& Display }
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).
The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your needs.

Divided into groups, the task was to measure our own energy consumption over 1 week time. I choose to include water, light, heating and laptop.
After working in groups and gathering our data together, we have decided to display our material by separating them into 3 sections : rooms where the energy gets used,
hours how much energy use and in what way we consume.
So our classmates can create a physical interaction by using their individual, as you can see on pics we used strings to map our energy consumption.

I found the exercise intersting as I could see the varitey of strings and
facts of the energy consumption we usually consume over only 1 week.
At our visit to the Whitechapel Gallery we found ourselves coincidentally at Arduino workshop held by the Codasign. The small workshop consisted of 3 type of arduino circuits (soft sensor sandwich button, conductive dough and drawing sensor with pencils)

The small introduction was quite helpful to understand the basics of arduino.